Project Monitoring Cell - Man Power


Dr. V R Balasubramaniam

Scientist-V & Head of Department 

Dr.V.R.Balasubramaniam is a geophysicist, with a M.Sc (Tech) degree from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and Ph.D. from IIT Bombay, Mumbai. His area of specialisation is application of surface and borehole geophysical techniques based on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Seismic Methods and Electrical Methods, for solving environmental and engineering problems in various civil, mining and hydel projects. He Joined NIRM as Scientist-I, in 1996, in Engineering Geophysics Dept (EGP) ever since its inception and he worked in more than 60 industry sponsored geophysical projects as lead and co-investigator, and as co-investigator in two S&T research projects including the international cooperation programme with Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Norway in development and application of Step Frequency GPR in India. He has been instrumental in timely completion of the projects by way of aiding engineering design, planning, maintenance and troubleshooting of problems in mining, civil and hydroelectric projects. He is currently Scientist-V and Head of the Environmental and Exploration Geophysics Department (EEGD), and he is working on application of geophysical techniques for evaluation and impact assessment of environmental problems due to natural and manmade hazards like landslides, safety and stability of underground structures and seismic hazard. He is now leading a research work on seismic monitoring for assessment of seismic hazard in old mining areas. He has authored 5 peer-reviewed international publications (IEEE, EAGE and Elsevier) and 15 publications in national and international conferences. He currently holds membership of professional geoscientific bodies viz. AEG, SEG, ISRM, IEEE, IGU, ISEG, MGMI and SSA. He has immensely contributed to quality documentation of procedures and certification of NIRM services based on ISO standards